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Podster cover of the Swedish podcast ‘Mordhistorier från Polen’.

Podster believes that audio has the ability to transcend borders as books, movies, TV-series etc. have been doing for multiple years. They wish to prove their point by releasing their own Swedish adaption of the Polish true crime show ‘Red Herring’. You can listen to a new episode of the show every Thursday.

The Danish startup Podster is getting ready to conquer the podcast audience of their next-door neighbour Sweden. Podster has already licensed multiple Swedish shows to be adapted into other languages, but this will be the first international show to be published in Sweden by the company.

“We are very thrilled to publish one of our podcasts in Sweden, since we already have a great connection with Swedish creators and distributors. All statistics prove that the Swedes love listening to podcasts, and we strongly believe that we can give the audience a show that will stand out”, says CEO of Podster, Henriette Høj Gharib.

High ambitions and passion lead the way

Podster is still a relatively new company, since they have been in business for less than a year. However, the Danish startup is already producing content in multiple languages. So, it is only a matter of time before we will see more Podster content on audio services around the world.

What makes Podster stand out is their ability to invest in popular genres, and to make their content live up to the standards of the original production. They put a lot of effort into matching the right manuscript with the right creator, translator, voice actor, producer etc. in each country.

The co-founders of Podster: Lars Peter Ilsø Larsen, Erik Hougaard, Henriette Høj Gharib and Klavs Vejlang.

Henriette Høj Gharib elaborates, “most companies in the audio business create content from scratch, which means that they must use a lot of time and money on a show even though they do not yet know how it will be received by the audience. Our mission is to invest in shows that are already doing well on the charts, and then adapt the material to the target languages”.

“We still have to do some editing and be aware of cultural differences and such in our translation of the source material, but all in all we know that the content is something the audience is interested in. Furthermore, Podster collaborates with local creators to make sure that we obtain a certain authenticity”.

Audio content travels from Poland to Sweden

The Podster catalogue is filled with excellent true crime content. But in the end, Podster has chosen to adapt and distribute the true crime show Red Herring, which originates from Poland, to the Swedish audience.

“We have chosen to distribute this particular show, since it differs from other true crime productions by having a more personal touch instead of just retelling horrific events to the listeners”, says Henriette Høj Gharib. She continues, “the show is a hit in Poland because of the creator, Olga Herring. She does not simply convey facts, but also takes the time to interview friends and family of the murder victims in order to add personal details to the episodes”.

The Swedish adaption of Red Herring will be called Mordhistorier från Polen med Moa Stefansdotter. The hostess will be the Swedish actress, Moa Enqvist Stefansdotter. She is known from the TV-series Jägarna and the movie The Huntress: Rune of the Dead from 2019.

Podster has chosen to distribute their upcoming show on the platform Podspace. The decision to distribute with the help of Podspace will make Podster’s content available on streaming services such as Spotify, Apple Podcasts, Google Podcasts and more. 

The first episode is available for streaming now. Podster will distribute an episode a week.

About Podster

Podster is a podcast company based in Copenhagen, Denmark. Their goal is to introduce best-selling podcasts to new markets by locating amazing podcasts from all over the world and reproduce them to other languages.

The founders of Podster are an experienced ensemble when it comes to streaming services and startups. Henriette Høj Gharib and Lars Peter Ilsø Larsen launched Fairytell, a book service for children, in 2017, and sold it to Podimo in 2021. 

The other two founders, Klavs Vejlang and Erik Hougaard, have been working with software and hardware startups and established companies for many years.

Amanda Lee Edelstein

Amanda Lee Edelstein is the Global Project Manager and Media Contact at Podster (